In accordance with the provisions of article 200 of Law 6/2023 on Securities Markets and Investment Services and art. 47 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/565.
General information about the Entity
Anchor Capital Advisors EAF (hereinafter, Anchor) is an independent Financial Advisory Company, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, Volume 43142, Folio 170, Sheet B-423828.
Anchor is authorized and supervised by the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV). It is registered in the Register of Financial Advisory Companies under number 94.
His Tax Identification number is B65761538.
Anchor is domiciled in Barcelona, Av. Diagonal, 467 4ª pl., Where it exclusively carries out its activity.
Anchor uses Spanish and Catalan to communicate with its clients.
Communication with Anchor can be made, in addition to the registered office, by the following means:
Telephone: 93 1820036
Information is also available on its website
Authorized activities
Anchor is authorized to carry out the following activities in accordance with its program:
Investment services (art. 125 of Law 6/2023 on Securities Markets and Investment Services):
Advice on investment matters, understood as the presentation of personalized recommendations to a client, either at the request of the client or at the initiative of the investment services company, with respect to one or more operations related to financial instruments.
Auxiliary services (art. 126 of Law 6/2023 on Securities Markets and Investment Services):
Advice to companies on capital structure, industrial strategy and related issues, as well as advice and other services in relation to company mergers and acquisitions.
The preparation of investment reports and financial analysis or other forms of general recommendation regarding operations on financial instruments, in accordance with the provisions of Article 36 of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/565, of April 25, 2016.
Customer classification
Anchor is required to classify its clients into professionals and retailers.
Retail customers: All non-professional customers will be considered retail customers. Clients of this classification have the highest degree of protection and pre and post-contractual information.
Professional clients: Those who are presumed to have the experience, knowledge and qualification necessary to make their own investment decisions and correctly assess their risks will be considered professional clients.
In particular, the following will be considered a professional client:
Entrepreneurs who individually meet at least two of the following conditions:
1.º that the total of the asset items is equal to or greater than 20 million euros;
2. that the amount of its annual turnover is equal to or greater than 40 million euros;
3. That its own resources are equal to or greater than 2 million euros.
Institutional investors whose usual activity is to invest in securities or other financial instruments (SICAV, investment funds, among others).
The entities indicated in the previous sections will be considered professional clients without prejudice to the fact that they may request non-professional treatment and that Anchor may agree to grant them a higher level of protection.
Suitability assessment
Investment advice implies that Anchor will obtain the necessary information about its clients and, where appropriate, potential clients, in relation to the following aspects, in order to recommend the most suitable investment services and financial instruments:
a) their knowledge and experience in the investment field corresponding to the specific type of product or service in question
b) your financial situation, and
c) your investment objectives.
For professional clients, Anchor will not need to obtain information about the client's knowledge and experience.
Anchor will provide the client in writing or through other durable medium, a description of how the recommendation made is adjusted to the characteristics and objectives of the investor.
Information on risks associated with investment instruments
In the exercise of the investment advisory service, Anchor makes recommendations on financial instruments in accordance with its program of activities and which are subject to one or more of the following risks:
Market Risk: risk derived from a total or partial loss of the investment as a consequence of the fluctuation or volatility of the prices that determine the value of the investment.
Interest rate risk: risk derived from variations in investment performance as a consequence of variations in market interest rate levels.
Exchange rate risk: risk that affects investments in a currency other than the Euro due to the variation in the exchange rates between the investment currency and the Euro, or more generally, between the investment currency and the base currency of the customer.
Counterparty or credit risk: risk derived from non-compliance with the obligations to make the promised payments within the deadlines established by the counterpart of an investment.
Liquidity risk: possibility of incurring losses on the investment in the event of its sale under unfavorable market conditions or in instruments with little negotiation. It could mean the inability to recoup the investment at the desired time.
Leverage risk: risk derived from financial instruments in which there is the possibility of a loss greater than the amount of the investment due to the fact that the effective position is greater than the amount disbursed.
Summary of the Policy for the prevention and management of conflicts of interest
There will be a conflict of interest if Anchor can make a profit and, in turn, there is also a possible damage to a customer; or if a customer can make a profit or avoid a loss, while there is a possibility of concomitant loss of another customer.
Anchor has a policy of preventing potential conflicts of interest between its clients and Anchor, including its directors and employees, directly or indirectly; or between the different interests of two or more of its clients, towards each of whom Anchor has obligations.
The objective is the permanent detection and updating of situations of real or potential conflicts of interest and to prevent such situations from occurring or that, in the event that this is not possible, an adequate management of the conflicts of interest produced is carried out, in accordance with the provisions of current regulations, through a registration and communication procedure within the organization.
If the measures adopted by the Company are not sufficient to guarantee, with reasonable certainty, that risks of damage to the interests of clients will be avoided, the Company will inform those affected of the origin and nature of the conflict. The Company may only develop the services or operations in which the conflict of interest is manifested when the clients expressly consent to it.